Thursday, May 10, 2007

Who Turned On the Light?!?

Today I am starting a new study on the Book of Daniel. I am so reluctant to get into the Old Testament because I often get lost with all the “so-and-so begetting you-know-who” in the “third year of the reign of what’s-his-name” and stuff like that. The only reason I am even looking at this particular book is because a prophet told me that God was going to speak to me out of it. I know God should speak through all of His word and I am sure He does. But there are honestly times when I feel like I am just reading and not studying because I just don’t get it. And since I am using words like “honestly” I might as well come clean and say that I have not even read that book since I was a kid. There are so many great stories that I used to hear in Sunday School when I was just a pup. So I opened up the Bible (well actually I pulled it up since I use like 4 different versions on my laptop) and I read the intro and chapter 1. I was a little leary because right away there is the “third year of king whose-it’s reign.” As I continued reading through the chapter, it was almost as if someone turned the light on in a dark room. That little homie nudge of the Holy Spirit was there as if to say “See I told you so!” Sure enough the principles just started popping off the page. God is awesome!! He really does have a fresh word for all of us and will meet us just where we are! As I process my thoughts I will post them—so much to digest just in the first chapter!

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