Thursday, May 03, 2007

Obedience Is Key

Sometimes I think that God does things in ways that are more difficult than I would do them. I know that seems crazy, but don’t we all second guess our bosses sometimes? I am never bold enough to tell Him He is wrong or that I won’t do what He is asking me to (we know where that got Jonah!). One of the reasons I don’t do that is because I have seen Him do things His way so many times that it often has a better outcome than what is expected. Take for instance the story of Philemon. In the last verses of the book Paul tells Philemon that his obedience to Paul’s request will refresh his heart and make him happy. God could have just refreshed Paul’s heart and gave him joy. Instead He took the long way around involved more people and situations. He allowed Onesimus to run into Paul after he had stolen from Philemon and ran away from his house. Philemon ends up serving the Lord and becomes a servant not only to Philemon but now also to Christ. Paul sends Onesimus back to Philemon’s house as a newly saved brother in Christ so Philemon receives not only his servant back but also a new trusted brother in the family of God. For added benefit to both Philemon and to Onesimus, Paul offers to pay Onesimus’ owed debt to Philemon personally on Onesimus’ behalf. When Philemon obeys Paul’s request to receive Onesimus back into his house then Paul’s spirit gets refreshed because he has made peace in an otherwise tempestuous household. Through this peace and Philemon’s obedience Paul’s spirit get refreshed, he is happy and all of them offer praise to God. You see there is so much better that came out of the situations when God is in charge, as opposed to just going straight to the end result. The whole result was contingent ton Philemon’s obedience to Paul’s request. Philemon could have denied the request and taken his due penance from Onesimus (his life for the theft); however Paul was confident in his forthcoming obedience.

In our own lives we need to be conscious of the fact that our actions and obedience to the gentle (and sometimes not so gentle) nudges of the Holy Spirit could make the difference between refreshing a brother or sister’s spirit and God receiving His due glory from a situation or not. It is hard sometimes to be obedient, especially when our flesh gets in the way. How hard is it to walk up to someone and apologize when we know that we were not the one who was wrong? When we do that though we become the peacemaker; we refresh the spirits of those who the situation involved and the ones who were watching it. Through our obedience to making peace God gets praised. Anytime we act in obedience to the Holy Spirit, God gets the praise and the Glory from the outcome.

Lord let me always be sensitive to what You want me to do, whether or not I know the outcome or think I can do a better job. I thank you for all the lessons I learn from You. Amen.

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