Saturday, May 12, 2007

Favor for Faithfulness

Daniel found himself in different surroundings being forced to subscribe to different beliefs and teachings. While the world tried to transform him into something that he was not, he maintained his heart and his spirit true to his fear of the Lord in which he was raised with. How easy it would have been to forget God and all that He had done for His people. Some would even say rightly so—after all He did allow them to be conquered and taken into captivity. Some would argue that Daniel would be a fool not to forget about God and acclimate himself to the ways of the Babylonians; he was in the inner circle being educated and fed like a royal himself. Daniel held strong to his beliefs and to the God who had blessed him, despite the fact that same God allowed him to be enslaved.

Could you do the same? Could you love God after He took everything away from you and allowed you to be captured by your enemy? If you asked me that question about 5 years ago the answer would have been an emphatic “NO!” Today I think it would still be hard. I know now that God has a plan for everything that happens to me in life, both good and bad. I know God enough to know that what I know about Him and His ways are not even close to a complete picture of Him. I guess it comes down to faith and just how much you have and what shape it is in. Daniel refused to be defiled and was willing to be put to death before he allowed his captors to defile him. Though he lived in the world of the Babylonians he maintained the truths of his home and didn’t allow them to be corrupted or altered in his heart.

The world tries to make us into things that we are not. It paints pictures of the perfect life and the way it should be lived. A lot of the time though that perfect life is not congruent with the way we are called to live through Jesus’ teachings in the bible. Sometimes the callings that we have on our lives are in direct conflict with the things of this perfect life and prevent us from having both. What do we choose? In my life I wanted the perfect life—the big house, nice cars, and all the money. I didn’t care what I did as long as I had the perfect lifestyle. I wanted to be a part of the “haves” instead of the “have-nots.” I discovered along the way that “having” meant compromising what I believed in, what meant so much to me. I began to become jaded and found less and less time to serve God so I could get more. I had to make a choice—to “have” or to “have not.” Having what the world says you should have to be in the perfect life isn’t all that is look like. It cost me more spiritually and in my heart than I could ever imagine. I think Daniel knew that as well.

Daniel refused to be corrupted and to defile the faith that he held so dear. Because of this God honored him and gave him favor, both in His sight and in the sight of man. It is the favor for faithfulness trade off. I have never been so happy since I have chosen the path the God wants for me. I may not be rolling in the rich life of the world, but I am storing up my treasure in heaven and having my every need met here on earth.

Father I thank you for your faithfulness and for your continued favor with all those I come in contact with that Your will might be done through me. You are my only choice. Amen.

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