Friday, May 18, 2007

Giving God What Is His

"It is said that Alexander the Great was standing and
watching Diogenes and after awhile asked Diogenes
what he was doing. When asked, the older man
answered, 'I am searching for the bones of your father,
but I cannot determine the dust of your father from the
dust of the slaves.'" (ref?)

As I am focusing on the 2nd chapter of Daniel this really painted the picture of the last point I found. In the end when we are done with our life here on earth and we go to be with the Father, I want to hear "well done..." I dont want to hear that I robbed God of some of His glory here on earth because I was the vessel He chose to use and I did not give Him the Glory. I never want to rob anything from God. I remember a time when God used me to give a message to one of my pastors. I had to tell her that it was not about her and that she was robbing God of His glory. That was one of the hardest word I ever had to speak. When I am invited to preach I always tell people that it is not me. I make it known that I never would have chosen to be a preacher. but God called me. Any good that comes from it needs to be directly attributed to Him and not to me. I NEVER WANT TO TAKE WHAT IS GOD'S!!!! Just the thought of having to answer for that gives me chills.

Daniel makes sure to give God the glory for interpreting the king's dream. He does this several times. He, too, wants to make sure that God gets what is His.

Father I thank you for all that you are using me for. I give You all the glory for it all now and forever. Amen.

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