Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Full Time Faith

Faith is alive. Or should I say that when it is alive we can see it. We can see it alive and working in those who have it. It shows through that person in their actions and their words. Most commonly when faith is working in people, just like the Word of God, it shows itself as love for other people and their lives. Paul thanks Philemon and tells him that he has blessed his heart because of how he heard Philemon was showing love for the fellow Christians. When we share that faith that is alive and well in us we are actually accomplishing two things. First we are blessing and encouraging those that we are sharing our faith with. Second and probably the best part is that we are blessing ourselves. As we share our faith we come to know the completeness of all that is available through Christ. Verse seven in the book of Philemon tells Philemon that Paul is blessed and refreshed at the news of what he is doing for the body of Christ by blessing and refreshing them with his faith. When we read that we can know that Philemon was filled with the word of God and was like a spring of living water to those that he was surrounded by.

As the people of God we need to be like Philemon. He was filled with the word of God and was practicing his faith. Not only was he practicing his faith but he was sharing it with those around him that needed it. For those that he was not sharing with, they could see his faith alive and well in him through his actions and his words. Our witness to people isn’t always seen, sometimes it is heard. We never know when a person is listening and what they are going to hear come from our mouths. If we find ourselves having conversations quietly or in discreet places because we don’t want some people to hear what we are saying then most likely we need to re-examine what we are saying and how it would represent Christ. If our witness is seen not directly but rather through our interaction with others, what impression would we be giving to those looking? Would Christ be well represented in our actions and in the interactions we have with others?

If we are to call ourselves Christians, then we need represent Christ well. We need to be the springs of living water that draws people to drink all the time, not just when we think people are watching or listening.

Father let me be a full time representative of what You have done for me and my life. Let be a spring of living water that draws people to you and your saving grace. Let me be a blessing and not a cursing. Amen.

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