Wednesday, April 18, 2007

American Idol Discipleship

Tonight on American Idol--the TV auto tuned there, I wasn't watching it on purpose :) -- Martina McBride was the special guest performer. She sang a song from her new album. There were a couple of lines that really hit a chord in my heart. "Life isn't always good, and when I pray it doesn't always turn out the way I think it should, but I do it anyway." That is such a profound statement. Just because things don't turn out the way I want them to when I pray doesn't mean that I should stop praying. When we approach the Throne Room of God we need to approach Him with double fisted intentions when we bring our petitions before Him. In the first fist we need to have our prayers and our requests. We need to tell God what is on our heart and what we think we need to be successful in the situation. Telling Him what we think we need isn't overstepping our bounds, it is letting Him know what is on our hearts and what is concerning us. In the second fist we need to have only 4 words--"YOUR WILL BE DONE." We need to give God the things that are on heart but we also need to be content with the fact that He may or may not act in the way we want Him to. He knows our best interest and He sees everything far beyond our sight. How He moves is the best way to deal with all that concerns us. Having faith means trusting God to move the way He sees fit as best to accomplish His will and purpose. Just because He doesn't move the way we want Him to when we pray, doesn't mean we stop praying. Who would have thought that I would have gotten ministered to by a guest on American Idol? Way to go Martina. God IS great!! Be Blessed and Be a Blessing! Mike.

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