Saturday, March 24, 2007

The First Empty Vessel Thought

I have been doing a lot of thinking and studying on the topic of discipleship. I have been reading, talking to people and gathering a lot of different views and definitions of what it means to be a disciple of Christ. I am the kind of person that absorbs as much information as I possibly can. While I absorb a lot of information I also need to let some out so I can really understand what I have taken in. One of the best ways for me to let that information out is to write it down, so I don't lose anything and I can pick the thought up whenever I need or want to. What better way to record my thoughts than to start a blog. Not only can I access my thoughts but others can too and they can leave comments to help further or expand my thought process.When I learn something new I really like to learn it for the first time. Even if I already know something about the subject, I approach the learning as if I have never heard of the subject. When I approached the subject of discipleship, I thought of it as being an empty vessel waiting to be filled up with the true meaning of discipleship. As I have gotten deeper into the subject of discipleship, I see that the life of a disciple is congruent with the metaphor of being an empty vessel. A disciple is someone who empties him/herself of everything that they want for themselves and long to be filled up with everything that God has for them. Thanks for reading and for joining me on my journey towards becoming an empty vessel disciple.

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